Sunday, March 29, 2015

Team Building Project - Stephen S

Real Talk about Network Marketing and The Team Building Project

What I'm about to share with you might sound a bit radical and even contradict many things you've learned about network marketing.

However, if you are willing to have an open mind I believe at the very least you will have a more realistic understanding of the network marketing industry, and why I developed the Team Building Project (TBP).

Let me begin by making an assumption; and that is, your primary interest in network marketing is to make money! Yes, we can talk about dreams and goals and meeting new people, but let's face it, you wouldn't have come within 100 feet of the network marketing industry if there were no profit incentive. No matter what the 'experts' say, network marketing has been, and will always be about making money!

OK, so now lets have an honest conversation about achieving success in network marketing, and while we're at it, lets also get real clear on whose business where building anyway.

The Business Ownership Myth

First, no matter what your network marketing company is telling you, YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR DISTRIBUTORSHIP!

In fact, if you read your distributor agreement (unfortunately 95% of network marketers never read the distributor agreement before signing on the dotted line and turning over their money), you will see it's completely on-sided in the companies favor. The company can terminate your distributorship at any time, for any reason, and you're out the door. In addition, they get to keep any current and future revenues generated by the organization YOU worked hard to develop.

Having said that, network marketing is an excellent vehicle for developing additional income streams however, I just want to make sure you are crystal clear on the facts, and don't buy into the illusion of true business ownership. Is network marketing risky, yes! Is it profitable, yes! But, always remember who really owns the company, customers and revenue!

The Single Opportunity Myth

After joining a business opportunity, one of the first and most repeated instructions you receive is 'stay completely and solely focused on OUR opportunity, products and services'. Do not distract yourself with 'other' business opportunities.

Many network marketing companies take an even more aggressive approach by threatening to deactivate your distributorship if you so much as consider another business opportunity. That is and always has been complete and utter nonsense! And that's one of the main reasons I developed the Team Building Project.

You have the absolute right to participate in any network marketing opportunity, so long as your participation does not negatively impact any other business opportunity in which you are a distributor. No person or company can interfere with your right to provide for yourself or your family.

The Motivational Myth

Let me begin this section by stating clearly ... motivation is great! Anytime someone takes the time to encourage someone else, that's wonderful! It's no secret that a heartfelt and timely statement of motivation can literally change the receivers mindset and help propel them towards meaningful action.

What really sucks is how the network marketing industry seeks to profit on your perceived need for motivation. And once again, it's time to keep it real!

You don't NEED to pay for motivation or encouragement! And yet millions of network marketers are doing just that every day.

Network marketers are spending their hard earned money on Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, Robert Kiyosaki and countless other 'Motivational Experts'.

Network marketers are spending their hard earned money on motivational materials sold by the companies they are actually representing. And keep in mind, these materials are not sold to you at cost, but with a healthy profit attached!

Network marketers are spending their hard earned money to travel around the world attending national and international meetings hosted and promoted by the very companies they represent. These events are HUGE PROFIT CENTERS for network marketing companies, and are carefully designed to enhance corporate profits! And the real tragedy is that well over 90% of the network marketers attending these events are not making money!

I never quite understood why so many people would travel across the country to watch a very select few march across the stage with BIG checks!?! But then again, given the way network marketing company cleverly and expertly market these events, I guess I'm not really that surprised.

My message to TBP members: KEEP YOUR MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!

The very best motivation and encouragement comes from within, or perhaps from a business partner that is sincerely and genuinely interested in helping you achieve success. I promise, you have everything within you to succeed if you just find your internal motivation ... also know as your 'WHY' in the network marketing industry.

The Team Building Project

Your still reading ... that's great!

Since our launch in June of 2009, the goal of the Team Building Project has been to level the playing field. That is to say, I wanted to give the average network marketer an above average chance to succeed in this industry. More importantly, I was convinced that if I could create an environment (network marketing community) void of hype, false promises and selfish restrictions, we could all work together towards our mutual success.

And I'm pleased to say we are doing just that ... thousands of TBP members around the world are working together to achieve individual and TEAM success!

Build a Global Distribution Network!

What's unique about the TBP approach is that our focus is on helping our TBP members understand the importance and value of building a truly global distribution network. Why? Because it doesn't matter what business opportunity you join, or how good their products and services, if you're not focused on building your very own global distribution network, you're simply not seeing the BIG PICTURE!

The TBP enables you to remain focused on a single task, and that's sharing the TBP system with people all around the world, thereby building YOUR OWN GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK. We show you step-by-step how to reach out and connect with serious network marketers worldwide, and best of all, we show you how to do this without spending a single penny of your own money!

Generating Multiple Global Income Streams!

You may have been told it's impossible to simultaneously build multiple business opportunities. And you know what, I agree!

Just imagine, approaching a friend or family member about a great business opportunity, and then approaching them with another great opportunity the following week. And yet another great opportunity the following week. That not only dilutes your efforts and chances at succeeding in any of your business opportunities, but it also damages your reputation.

So once again, I agree, trying to simultaneously build multiple business opportunities is crazy!

But wait ... how is the Team Building Project helping people simultaneously build multiple business opportunities?

Here's where the TBP makes the impossible, possible!

We're doing it by taking a new and radically different approach!

We have partnered up with 4 different business opportunities and incorporated them into the TBP technology platform. This provides a simple and seamless way for our TBP members to review and join one or more of our business opportunity partners.

Each of our partner business opportunities represent completely different market segments, so there's no overlap whatsoever. In addition, we have TBP members in over 160 countries, so it was important to select great opportunities that were available to the majority of our TBP members.

When your global TBP downline members join the same business opportunity partners that you have joined (via the TBP back office), they are automatically and seamlessly placed in your downline in that opportunity. That means there's no need for you to promote multiple business opportunities. You are simply sharing your unique TBP referral link with network marketers around the world, then letting the TBP system do the rest!

This is how TBP members are successfully earning multiple streams of income, from multiple business opportunities, in multiple countries! And doing so without driving themselves, their friends and their family members crazy!


Always remember that as a network marketer, you don't own anything! Network marketing companies will try to convince you that the company is 'yours', and that you're partners. They own the company, they own the customers, they own the revenue! As a network marketing distributor/affiliate, your building their company and being compensated in the process. They retain the right to cancel your distributor agreement for any reason and without cause, and there's not much you can do about that. Having said that, network marketing is still a great income opportunity, just remain clear on your position.

There's no need for you to pay for encouragement and motivation! Take time to seriously look inside yourself and find your 'Why'. What is so important to you that absolutely nothing will stop you from realizing your 'why'. And whatever your motivation is, make sure it's strong enough to keep you focused and working hard no matter how difficult things get.

Earning multiple income streams in multiple business opportunities is without question the best way to position yourself. The key is using a simple and duplicatable system to focus your efforts and accomplish your goals. That's where the Team Building Project provides you with a clear advantage!

Keep your money in your pocket! The internet provides you with an unlimited resources and recruiting prospects ... absolutely FREE! Your TBP back office provides proven methods and strategies to take advantage of these resources to build your global TBP organization. And remember, your global TBP downline fuels the growth of each business opportunity you join! The Team Building Project system enables you to keep more of your hard earned money in your pocket!

Your Thoughts?

I'm sure several TBP members will have questions or comments about this message. And your feedback is not only welcomed, it actually helps ALL TBP members worldwide gain a better understanding of network marketing and the TBP system.

So please feel free to log into your TBP back office and post your questions or comments in our TBP Discussion Forum.

I'm looking forward to reading your comments!

For more information visit Advanced Professional Downline Building System

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